Really excited to be working with new client SEIBO on a six-month US tour with a major European auto manufacturer.  Among other audio/video/lighting support, we are doing a 360 degree projection in a dome.  We're working with Vartan and Matt from VT Design to put guests in a completely immersive experience where they feel like they are flying down the road in this new car.  Super cool, but even cooler is this new client.  Really technically savvy, really talented and really kind.  One of those relationships that feels like a perfect fit.  We all need more of those right?!

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Special mid-month Edition of the widely anticipated ShowPro Blog. It's time to talk about what time it is. It's time to understand that you can put solar panels on your building, take advantage of some tax credits, and pay for the freekin' thing in 6 years. Believe it!  Here is a copy of our last electric bill - 20,000 square foot warehouse with 15 full time employees testing big, bright lights and LED walls, keeping their lunches cool in two refrigerators and powering up two electric cars for $82 a month. BELIEVE IT MAN, 'CAUSE IT'S REAL.

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Who says you can't put a 50 foot wide screen in a small ballroom?  Not Campos Creative, that's for sure.  Eric and Lori included us in a prestigious X Prize event  in a ballroom at the Terranea in Palos Verdes. Typically it would be a squeeze to get a couple of 9x16 foot screens in a room this size. But they worked the design and gave us some nice RP distance and we were able to create a stunning and functional backdrop to a very important conference about changing the world. Si Se Puede!, One big-blend at a time!

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Kid's Choice seems to always make the Blog Grade -  Maybe it's because it's SO COLORFUL!  Who doesn't like color during sad times?  One of our great friends from the early days, Chris Goldsmith designed this pageant (his brilliant words, not mine unfortunately).  All the world's a video game, All the world's a piece of delicious candy.  Matt Levesque rocked this oh-so-approrpiate lighting design.  And Mark Matzkanin has become the wizard behind the curtain programming the underpants off of this one.  Huge thanks to Jane and the gang at MTV for putting up with us for so long.  And thanks for the photo Chris Goldsmith!

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Our hearts broke when we got the news that our dear brother John Talley passed away on Tuesday. None of this makes sense -  We need the good ones, and John was the absolute best. Please think of him and his family often. Life is fleeting - make the most of everything. Man this one hurts bad.

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A rainy Oscar week yielded a beautiful Governor's Ball after the big event at the Dolby Theater. Our pals from Sequoia brought us along to provide audio systems for the giant ballroom and support for John Legend on the main stage. We had over 100 speakers in the air, providing perfect zone control over every section of the room. The goal was to hear the performances but also to schmooze, and I think we nailed it. Tighter security than at the White House - Ahh, the priorities of the Hollywood Elite...

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