We're so darn lucky to continue to work with Leah and Connie and Nancy and Adam and the rest at Deckers Corp., parent company of UGG Shoes. This was the Fall 2013 sales meeting. We brought in Courtney and Michael from Brodey Francis to build this BAD ASS set -  Models worked the runway, the sidewalk in front of the set, and even the balcony from above.  It looked so so sweet -  I love this gig!

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Rock 'n Rain invited us up to the City by the Bay for some Target fun.  We built a rollerskating park in a big, beautiful park in the city.  This was a big promotion for a new City Target that is opening in SF.  We're still stinging from the Giants beating our Dodgers in the division race, but we'll be OK once the Patriots start winning again.

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Cheryl and the team brought us in to do some projection on a crazy screen made out strips of plastic tubing. Wild -  looked really cool, and it sort of softened and "organisized" the projection a bit. Gorgeous room. TONS of fun taking pics with my kids and celebs... This is the Governor's Ball which is the 6000 person official after-party to the Emmy Awards.

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All gigs eclipsed by the passing of my beloved father in law, Fred J. Laux.


An Irish Blessing

May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back.  

May the sunshine warm your face, the rain fall softly upon your fields.

And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand.

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Jessica and Stacey from Jordanah brought us down to help out with a couple of booths at the nothing-else-in-the-world-like-it Comic-Con convention.  What a town full of NUTS!  So fun -  everyone is crazy and everyone is so nice and kind.  So cool to see some serious geeks geekin' out together.  The girls had top talent from Fox animation and TV (Glee people! My daughter was so impressed with me!) signing stuff and giving away empty cardboard tubes to put your posters in.  It was a feeding frenzy every time they did a give away.  Freeman killed our buzz when they chose us as the last booth to load out.  Seriously who do we have to mind-warp to get some Freeman love?

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June is just massive -  one posting won't cut it.  We had the tres cool opportunity to work with our fave David Rodgers as he helped Dom Perignon introduce their new Brut and Rose bottles for 2013.  David Lynch designed the bottle and was on hand to reveal the new design.  It was the typical non-typical event design with the Davids.  Mad 80 foot long tunnel in all black with only smoke and Versatubes to guide the way.  Sweet projection on the exterior of Milk Studios where the gig happened.  We also had a cool band of imagery that was 60 feet long, on the hard cyc wall in one of the studios.  Sean Cagney came along for the ride, designing us a Fill-Me-Up gag where guests walked by an RP video screen, and saw their silhouettes filled with sparks.  Then we reconnected with Dietrich Jeungling who has done projection design for Pink Floyd's The Wall among many other things.  Dieter gave us some really cool 3D mapped projection looks, inside the hangar wall at Milk (see how the corrugated panels appear to 'pop out' from the wall behind the stage?).  The Kills rocked hard and other than massive exhaustian, everyone went home happy.  The funky ones never get old...

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